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   Friday, August 12, 2005  
Thirty Weeks tomorrow

Thieu and I went to the second childbirth education class yesterday, focussing on the first six weeks after birth. It was much more fun going with Thieu although he kept turning around and giving me alarmed looks as Joy, the midwife, imparted her increasingly terrifying information about sleeping patterns, unsettled babies, post natal depression, priorities after the birth.

She talked about something I'd never considered before. Managing visitors.
'Encourage them to stick to the visiting hours,' she warned, 'And never give out your private number.' I must confess I have always wondered why visiting hours were so restrictive, but what she said made sense.
'You'll probably be exhausted. The baby may be having trouble latching. You might not have had any time to be alone with your partner. And your room is constantly filled with visitors.'
All very true.

I am developing an intense love of the videos they show, in particular the music which is the kind of stuff they might play in the cool down section of a yoga class. Fantastic. I can't wait for the birth video in the final week. Apparently there are people who refuse to watch it, which seems hilarious to me. I'm dying to see it. For some reason I'm actually not at all worried about the birth (denial? naivety? probably). It's having a newborn that terrifies me.

And that time is rapidly approaching.From tomorrow there will only be ten weeks left. I have a month and a half left at work and somehow I have to finish three kids books in that time. I've done the drafts for two and am getting close to completing the draft for the third. Hopefully they won't require too many changes. My biggest worry at the moment is that the sprog will arrive early, thus seriously mucking up my plans... The nerve! Camp Chaos is, apparently, in bookstores now although I've yet to see it. Apparently Kmart is the place to purchase, according to the ladies from my mum's work, as it's two dollars cheaper there than at Myer.
   posted by *mcb* at 8:02 AM


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