Maddles went on her first rally today - the Walk Against Warming. Usually I find these things heartening ('I'm not the only one! Hooray!'). But today I just felt sad as in my heart of hearts, I think it's all too late. Current predicitons say the fishing industry will have collapsed completely by 2048. 90% of the species that currently inhabit the earth will be gone by the time Maddles is my age. Australia's rivers will probably never return to their former levels. The barrier reef will disappear in about fifteen years. It's just so depressing. And a few thousand enthusiastic protestors is not going to make a lick of difference.
You know, it's like the toy library. It always amazes me that people don't wipe the baby spit off the toy library toys before they return them. It seems like a common courtesy. It's the same with the environment. We should be wiping it down before we hand it on, not decimating it. It's just plain rude.
I felt like apologising to Maddles for the crappy world we're giving her. The only problem was she was too busy bawling with boredom and trying to escape from her stroller to listen.